Related to this we've started establishing Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq:

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice made a surprise appearance at the inauguration of the Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).
Rice established Iraq’s first Provincial Reconstruction Team on Veterans’ Day 2005, along with Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad; Deputy Regional Coordinator, Clarence Hudson; and Director of the National Coordination Team, Greg Bates.

The ceremony took place on Forward Operating Base Courage located in Mosul, Iraq, one day after the Ninewa PRT completed its initial training. This effort was lead by Bates and certified by Maj. Gen. Robert Heine, Iraqi Reconstruction Management Office Deputy Director for Operations.

This ceremony inaugurated the first of fifteen PRTs that will deploy across Iraq by next summer; two more PRTs are being fielded in Nov. to demonstrate a “proof of principle” and provide lessons for further implementation. The remaining 12 PRTs and one Regional Reconstruction Team (RRT) are scheduled for implementation by July 2006.

The PRT is designed to lead the effort to build capability and sustainability within Iraq’s provincial governments, eventually allowing them to function independent of Coalition assistance. This transition to Iraqi leadership will be achieved by developing a transparent and sustained capability to govern, increasing security and assuring rule of law, promoting political and economic development, and by providing provincial administration necessary to meet the basic needs of the population.

Accomplishing these efforts is essential a stable democracy evolving in Iraq and increased stability spreading throughout the Middle East.

“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is fundamental to the success of the PRT in building capable and sustainable institutions for Iraq’s local and provincial governments,” said Col. Richard Jenkins, USACE Gulf Region North commander.

Major Mike Farrell is the USACE engineer officer assigned to the Ninewa PRT. When asked what was most significant to him personally, he said, “As a U.S. Army officer, I swore to support and defend the U.S. Constitution. Now, I have the opportunity to help implement a constitution and mentor fellow engineers on providing for their citizens’ basic needs.

Secretary of State Rice addresses the first Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team on Nov. 11, 2005. (GRD Photos by Polli Keller)

“The USACE has been fundamental in executing the Iraqi reconstruction program,” said Farrell. “Now, through PRT, we will be instrumental in helping the Iraqis learn to do it for themselves.”

Jenkins also stated the Iraqis are first in the planning and implementation of reconstruction efforts because it is their future and they have both the responsibility and the capability to make it work.

The reconstruction program has become the frontline in Iraq. Although insurgents have caused delays and damage -- both in lives and increased costs for the reconstruction effort -- the U.S. and Iraqi governments remain steadfast in their joint efforts to help rebuild Iraq. The formation of the PRT will help develop effective solutions to some of the challenges facing Iraq -- an important step as Iraq takes the lead in addressing their problems with the U.S. serving as a true partner, assisting in their efforts.