The European Commission considers "unacceptable" Moscow prepared a draft tripartite agreement on trade between the EU, Russia and Ukraine.

Reported edition DW co reference to the German weekly Der Spiegel.

According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, Brussels has rejected another attempt by the Kremlin to prevent the creation of a free trade area of the EU and Ukraine. The European Commission rejected a draft tripartite agreement that the Russian government has sent the EU on June 3 announced Friday evening, June 12, the German edition on its website. Full article published in the paper version of the weekly on 15 June.

According to the journalists' Der Spiegel, a draft document prepared by the Moscow assumed a strict export and import controls, and import quotas in Russia 52 product categories - from hydraulic turbines and ships to beef and ice cream.

"Russia proposed text is unacceptable", - quotes the edition of an EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom trade chairman of the profile committee of the European Parliament Bernd Lange (Bernd Lange) on June 9. Such an agreement "imposed on Ukraine and EU unilateral commitments," - say in Brussels.

This is AWESOME news. As I've been repeating that the Kremlin shouldn't call the shots on whether Ukraine does business and how it does business with other countries.

They want to recuperate their own industries they've squandered, by controlling Ukraine's industries and prosperity which Ukraine has an abundance of. It'll force the Kremlin to start investing in its own infrastructure, instead of investing wholly on energy sources and its military. They want to rule Europe and will try to bring down any country that gets in its way.

This news speaks massively. I'm glad Europe/EU Council finally had the guts to defend itself, instead of bowing to authoritarians. It's about time they grew a pair.