I live in Africa, I'm really trying to figure out how US is changing the status quo here. You see, there's a world of difference between US rhetoric (which I admit is as intoxicating as fine wine) and reality.

Your point is taken, and I can't provide a response that would mean anything other than state that our intentions are often good, but our execution to achieve those intended ends are normally terrible due to poor understanding and being blinded by our own rhetoric.

A problem I have with many Westerners is they don't seem to understand how multifaceted or how dynamic the China-Africa relationship is. Most point to Chinese treatment of workers in Zambia as the sum total of that relationship. It is not.
When you have time I would like you to post more on this topic. When I have time I'll post some articles that state otherwise that you can challenge.

I'm not blowing sunshine up your butt, but your insights are very helpful to the SWJ community writ large since they often make us take a step back and reflect on our view of reality, which certainly isn't shared by much of the world, especially the developing world.