Hi Carl !
(I've noticed the Congolese don't intentionally trash things like they do in poor neighborhoods in the US.)
I would agree and assume they will later steal the glass and want it to remain intact
You're right, they don't simply destroy things. I honestly think they are looking at the future of selling it.

They fought them once and got thumped. The UN has been very coy about providing details of that fight. Do you guys know anything about it? The most I could get from a UN guy was that "there are special forces, and then there are special forces."
Going into the jungle means one is prepared. The Zairois were accustomed to life in the bush, and even the Belg wouldn't go in. Somebody else's backyard and jungle rules, but I doubt special forces.

You two guys know this happens but for those who don't, I've heard of soldiers starving to death in various re-integration centers or in transit. One group got posted at Goma airport for weeks and weeks with 0, zero provisions.
Kamina was a strange re-integration center, but appears to be a way of getting those out of the picture, and yes with no provisions. We saw what happened when the GOZ tried to send her 31st para out of Goma for "relocation". The 31st paras took matters into their own hands and hijacked the 727 back home.

Take care Carl !