From Carl in Kinshasa

Although the 8th military region in North Kivu has not planed operations yet, Col Makenga of Bravo Brigade would like to attack FDLR positions in the park and has asked populations at the south boundary to move elsewhere. Alpha Brigade has also agreed with Mai Mai fighters to jointly attack FDLR positions from Rwindi station in the centre of the park. Given the current location of the FDLR, we fear that our flights to the North will be flying over the battlefield. An alternative route West of the Nyiragongo mount or higher level can be a solution. We shall update the situation tomorrow in case operations are launched earlier.

Frequent house break-ins were reported last week, most targets being residences of NGO national staff. Some of the recent victims are a trainer of CIF house door was broken using a heavy stone and another was a WFP logistics assistant the assaulters found at his gate seeing off a late visitor.
Also from Carl in the same email:

If the FARDC actually does attack the FDLR, from what i've been told in the past, they will get beat up. I don't remember anybody directly attacking the FDLR since i've been here. I wonder what is prompting the move.

The FDLR has been hanging around theDRC for over a decade. Do you think this prolonged stay will eventually cause them to wither on the vine?

Out of here on March 13th. looking forward to it.
I bet you are, Carl! If the FARDC follows the martial traditions of the Force Publique, the ANC, and then the FAZ, I am sure the "attack" will be much show and no go. As long as the FDLR can maintain bases in this area and support among certain European circles, they will be there. As I read what little comes out of the area, they are a non-threat to Rwanda at this stage. That said, they are a menace to any sort of equilibriium in the area.

Stan who knows on the integration--what amazes me are the same old players still playing the same old music and you know someone is getting rich by running the music hall.

