Putin's response to journalist questions today seems to shot holes in the Russian "humiliation" arguments.

'I don't think the USA is a threat to us," says Putin. But 'policy of the (US) ruling circles is mistaken'

Tobi Gati asking Putin who are "they" in his attacks on US - Obama? Foreign policy elite? American people?

Well played Neil Buckley, asked important Q on Russian soldiers rather than worrying about his invite next year. Putin completely ignored it.

No surprise: Putin confirms Moscow helped former Ukraine President Yanukovich flee to Russia last Feb amid protests and police crackdown

Putin on Yanukovych flight: "I won't hide it, we helped him get to Crimea. Even though Crimea was still part of Ukraine."

Did anyone notice not once did he repeat any of the "humiliation" charges Russia and Putin were so fond of during the Crimea.