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Thread: Heroes Abroad, Unknown at Home

  1. #1
    Small Wars Journal SWJED's Avatar
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    Default Heroes Abroad, Unknown at Home

    27 Nov. New York Times Op-Ed by David Brooks - Heroes Abroad, Unknown at Home. *Requires Times Select Subscription...

    ...I don't have space to describe how Ieva and the other Marines fought on that hot spring day, but by the end, about 75 insurgents had been killed and 17 captured.

    Two points are worth making. After the Marines took Ubaydi, they didn't have the troops to hold it, and it again became a terrorist safe haven. Over the past two weeks, the Marines have been back in Ubaydi for more bloody fighting. This time they have enough trained Iraqi forces to hold the area, but why weren't there enough troops last spring? Every time you delve into the situation in Iraq, you come away with the phrase "not enough troops" ringing in your head, and I hope someday we will find out how this travesty came about.

    Second, why aren't there more stories about war heroes like Christopher Ieva? The casual courage he and his men displayed is awe-inspiring, but most Americans couldn't name a single hero from this war. That's because despite all the amazing things people are achieving in Iraq, we don't tell their stories back here. That's partly because in the post-Vietnam era many Americans - especially those who dominate the culture - are uncomfortable with military valor. That's partly because some people don't want this war to seem like a heroic enterprise. And it's partly because many Americans are aloof from this whole conflict, and couldn't tell you a thing about Operations Matador and Steel Curtain and the other major offensives.

    Captain Ieva, who is now serving at Camp Lejeune and has earned his own Bronze Star, has it right: "We're always painted as victims. But we assaulted them." This is a culture that knows how to honor the casualties and the dead, but not the strength and prowess of its warriors.

  2. #2
    Council Member Hansmeister's Avatar
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    Well, if the NYTimes really want to know why there are no stories of heroes out of the war in Iraq they only need to read their own paper. The MSM has simply refused to cover the inspiring stories of our heroes. The NYTimes never mentioned SFC Paul Smith being awarded the MoH, for example.

    The problem is that the modern left-wing media only has two uses for soldiers, either as victims or as villains, but never as heroes.


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