E-mail recieved from Jim Guirard, TrueSpeak Institute. Also published in the US Army Strategic Command's Information Operations Newsletter.

Irhabi Murderdom

Author's Note: This essay uses about a dozen of the Islamic religious words which should be learned and used proactively by all of us as semantic weapons against Saddam-style, al Qaeda-style and Hizballah-style Terrorism.

The purpose of these terms is to classify all of these deviants as the deadly enemies of authentic Qur'anic Islam they really are, rather than as the so-called "Jihadists and mujahideen and martyrs destined for Paradise" they falsely claim to be -- all too often with our unintended help when we parrot their patently false words of self-sanctification.

Of course, this is a tall order in a body politic which, after more than five years into a War on Terrorism, has not yet learned the five-letter Arabic word for terrorism -- Irhab. But, of course, we must start somewhere, n'est-ce pas? .... JIM GUIRARD

In certain absolutist schools of Islamic thought, many Muslims consider most "other" Muslims to be khawarij (outside the religion), kuffar (unbelievers), munafiquun (hypocrites) or murtadduun (apostates) – the latter transgression being subject to the death penalty in this life and to Jahannam (eternal Hellfire) in the next.

Ironically, these are some of the same condemnatory Islamic religious words which should be applied to the accusatory radicals themselves, rather than to the "moderate" and the truly peaceful and pluralist Muslims at whom they are now so wrongly directed.

Despite the fact that there is supposed to be no fitna – no internal discord and no familial strife – within Islam, both the false condemnations cited above and the ongoing epidemic of Muslims-killing-Muslims in Iraq seem to operate 'round the clock, 365 days a year. The genocidal competition between Sunni and Shi'a death squads is running neck-and-neck in their decapitation (and/or head drilling) of fellow Iraqi Muslims.

Although occasional fatwas (religious edicts) correctly condemn such satanic activities, the hyena-like Sunni and Shi'a killers -- calling themselves "Lions of Islam" -- routinely ignore them. Ruthlessly, they continue to claim "martyrdom" as a glorious reward for slaughtering each other, destroying each others' mosques and condemning each other as "infidels" -- all in the name of Allah, to be sure.

In similar fashion, the Salafi and Wahhabi cults in Saudi Arabia (and their Caliphate-hungry al Qaeda progeny worldwide) engage in the "takfiri" scam of excommunicating from Islam any Muslim brethren who disagree with their hard-line interpretations – on the warped belief that all such deviants and apostates should be expelled, or even be put to death.

In such close-minded and hate-everyone-else frames of reference, it becomes extremely difficult to know who among the warring Muslim parties, if anyone at all, have legitimate claim to martyrdom -- and who, instead, are nothing but sinful pretenders to that holy and Paradise-bound status in what is supposed to be a religion of universal peace, justice, truth and compassion.

Are the "real" martyrs the Shi'a-hating Sunnis? The Sunni-hating Shi'ites? The medieval Afghan Taliban? The Iranian Hizballah? The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood? The so-called "Mahdi Army" of al-Sadr? The Fedayeen Saddam? The al Qaeda-style suicide mass murderers? All of the above? None of the above?

Since correct answers to such questions might take an eternity to discover, let us focus instead on the particular case of the late Saddam Hussein – for whom "martyrdom" is now being claimed by some of the most murderous of Muslims and sharply denied by all too few of the so-called "moderate" ones.

"Martyrdom" for Whom?

In either event, the basic question to be settled is "Martyrdom for the glory of WHOM? For the eternal glory of Allah Himself? Or, most perversely, for the sordid and deceitful sake of Satan, instead?

Clearly, Saddam's case is one of "Shahid al-Shaitan" – a "Martyr for Satan," rather than for the "compassionate, merciful, beneficent, peaceful and just" Allah of the Qur'an. The same would be true for Osama bin Laden (a Sunni) and for Moqtada al-Sadr (a Shi'a) and for many other hyena-like deviants of their bloodthirsty kind.

In this context, such "abd' al-Shaitan" (Servants or Slaves of Satan) should be seen as destined not for the virgin-filled Paradise of so-called "Jihadi Martyrdom" but for a demon-filled Hellfire of "Irhabi (terrorist) MURDERdom."

This is the dark domain which is now populated by such other mufsiduun (evildoers, mortal sinners, corrupters) as Lenin, Stalin, Beria, Dzerghinski, Hitler, Himler, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mingistu, Yassir Arafat, "Che" Guevara, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and thousands more like them.

And in due course these genocidal fascists will be joined by such "dead men walking" as Fidel Castro, Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar, al-Sadr and others guilty of istihlal -- which in Islam is the enormously arrogant sin of "playing God" with the lives and the personal dignity of millions of their fellow human beings.

(Has not Castro been "playing God" in Cuba for almost 50 horrendous years? And is not his egomaniacal acolyte, Hugo Chavez, headed down that same bloody "Socialism or Death" path in nearby Cubazuela? And is not Comrade Chavez now snugly in bed with every "Death to America'" evildoer in the Muslim World? )

Copying Lenin's Pseudo-religious Scam

In an historic context, it seems that most of these messianic deceivers are following the pseudo-religious tactic revealed by Vladimir Lenin when he explained: "We will find our greatest success to the extent that we inculcate Marxism as a kind of religion. Religious men and women are easy to convert and win, and will easily accept our thinking if we wrap it up in a kind of religious terminology."

Eventually, Comrade Lenin's scam came to be known as "Liberation Theology" -- which has no more to do with either liberation or theology than al Qaeda's so-called "Jihadi Martyrdom" has to do with either holiness or Paradise.

In was in this cynical fashion that a previously irreligious Saddam Hussein operated during his last several years in power and that he brought to bear (by falsely claiming to have been a lifelong "Jihadist") even as he was about to be executed for crimes against humanity – Islam's ancient word for which is Hirabah, "unholy war" and forbidden "war against society."

The tortured society in question was, of course, the Iraqi people -- against whose dignity he and his two depraved sons, Uday and Coussay, waged daily irhab or hirabah (choose your synonym) of the worst kind for almost thirty years.

He was the hands-on mass murderer, the torturer, the executioner, the invader of neighbors, the WMD poisoner of the Kurds, the financier of suicide killers, the acolyte of Stalin and, finally, the Grand Pretender of an Islamic faith whose true believers should now condemn as inherently Satanic this evil man's lifetime of sins, cruelties and de facto desecrations of the peace, the compassion, the mercy and the justice of which the Qur'an speaks.

And if the faithful followers of authentic Islam either cannot or will not draw such a sharp distinction between themselves and the sordid likes of Hussein, bin Laden, al-Sadr and al-Zarqawi, then this may be an awful indication that their religion has been subsumed by the Sunni-based al Qaeda Apostasy -- and by its Shi'a-sponsored Hizballah (Party of God) and so-called "Mahdi Army" counterparts, as well.

Surely, this cannot be so. Surely, the God of Abraham would not allow it to be so. But to prove this for once and for all, it is high time for the Umma, the Muslim World

(a) to rediscover and to reclaim its one and only "True Islam" of Peace and Justice, which is now being perverted and corrupted by a variety of satanic cults;

(b) to re-educate itself about what these two names and the 97 other blessed "99 Names of Allah" define this religion to be; and

(c) to remove from itself -- by means of a Truly Spiritual Jihad, a Jihad al-Khabir -- all those cancerous elements of hate, envy, violence and "Irhabi Murderdom" which are currently corrupting and desecrating the soul of Islam from within.