The dynamics of Filipino Nationalism begin & end with $$$. Fact: The Philippine Senate was asking for $1.2 billion as rent for the U.S. bases annually (a huge mark up from the then, $800+ million) even though the U.S. was ready to give up ALL other bases/facilities here & just settle on Subic. Nationalism was the furtherest thing from their minds. It is only an after thought espoused by kids barely old enough to remember the bases being here & the $$$millions$$$ that were infused into the local economy because of it. I observed it going to college here & was quite amused. They complain about everything U.S., but their deepest desire is to immigrate to America. Go figure...

IMHO the best move the U.S. did was to leave the Philippines. This took away the "Kasi (because of you)" excuse making syndrome from Filipinos, at least as far as the U.S. was concerned. Sadly, the current "Stumble in the Jungle" is giving these loudmouths ammunition to once again blame the USofA for their ineptitude in becoming a successful country.

As for the bases on-going drama...I see it as piss-poor journalism. These Clowns are too lazy to do any real reporting, so they keep re-inventing the Boogey Man.

Fact: The GenSan base theory was an approved USAID project PRIOR to the closure of the bases for something like $144million, which was later reduced significantly after the termination of the lease on bases...period. This story keeps getting whipped around ad naseum.

General rule here: "Believe nothing you hear & only half (still verify that) of what you see."

The U.S. has no plans to even try to re-establish bases here according to offical, training areas is another subject & would be in-line with the Mutual Defense Treaty & VFA.