Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Appears that the Ukrainian military is in fact inflicting an extremely high loss rate on the Russian troops and her mercenaries--far higher than could have been estimated.

The OSCE has recorded 21 trucks with "cargo 200"(KIA) on the border of Russia and Ukraine http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/6-augus...h-cargo-200kia

AND that just since this latest Russian offense started four weeks ago.

20 bodies per truck minimum is a loss of over 400 troops --say an average of 50 as they do not load the trucks with caskets--that occurs in Rostov Russia-THEN a total of over 1000 and usual they use semi trailers for movements.
Wow, that's a lot. Must be some hundreds of Russian KIA. https://twitter.com/AlexandruC4/stat...85443503157248

BTW--Russia is now attempting to completely discredit OSCE as their reporting is becoming quite pointed at showing Russia is the ongoing aggressor and reporting more an more on actual Russia troops and is reporting the above WHEN Putin wants to keep it silenced.

Protesters poured fake blood in front of OSCE hotel in Donetsk. Say people die because of them
http://m.ria.ru/tv_society/20150806/1167103325.html … pic.twitter.com/wlnDyuIUyH