It reminds me of being in elementary school and playing swords at the urinal. Or playing the game, who can piss the highest. It's rather ridiculous. Especially when you look farther on the same site and see a propaganda video of 2 heroes getting blown out of the sky to a chorus of praises to Allah.

As a sidebar, according to recent debate in Congress, that SAM was obviously built in someones garage off of downloaded internet plans and didn't have anything to do with any neighboring countries supporting the insurgency....That wouldn't be possible. I don't think Iran had anything to do with the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, either.....or that poor Lt. COL USMC, that got hung over there or what they did to that COS there. That was all the work of small groups of like minded citizens without any Iranian support......But, I's now time to surf the latest Hollywood gossip and see if Oprah has any more additions to her book club.