Hi Ted !

A ton of money and great reading for folks like me with ensomnia. This entire report (it’s a very large file at 103 pages) merely reminds me of Zäire following 3 civil wars. The majority of the foreign community evacuated within weeks and the property, regardless of ownership, fell prey to locals having no other place to go.

Africans truly live by ‘squatter’s rights’ up and to the point the Minister's henchmen come a callin'.

Much like all of post-conflict Sub-Sahara, the government officials are having a field day obtaining former foreign-owned properties and performing outright evictions. It’s a Minister’s right (there) !

I beg to see the legal or otherwise ‘Western-style’ usefulness (yes, I spent way too much time in Africa) in issuing legal warrants to move, knowing only to well, they will never move.

Nichols and Tom can provide you with WAWA ROE. It’s actually quite simple…jungle rules apply