The Wonkblog discusses the inflation in Zim, eh Venezuela:

Indeed, in the span of a few months, the International Monetary Fund has gone from forecasting that Venezuela’s inflation rate would hit 12,875 percent by the end of the year to now saying that it will get to 1 million percent. Now, this isn’t the type of prediction you should take literally — the IMF says it’s more a “signal that the situation in Venezuela is similar to that in Germany in 1923 or Zimbabwe in the late 2000s.” Instead, as we said, it’s a reminder that even a failed state such as Venezuela can still fail some more. Which it almost certainly will.
It seems to my personal theme here in this thread. Over the year you saw things getting worse and worse, and marveled how things can get on like that but one always had to keep in mind that there human tragedy can plunge into deeper cliffs still. Or as the WP puts it:

If history has taught us anything, it’s that things can always get worse, even when that seems impossible — as it does right now in Venezuela.