Readers maybe interested in visiting this well regarded an well connected Israeli website, prompted by their latest if lengthy piece of research.

The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center is the educational and documentary center of the national memorial site of the Israeli intelligence community. It is located at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S.), at Gelilot near Tel Aviv, and specializes in information about intelligence and terrorism. It regularly releases exclusive information on its Internet site, both in Hebrew and English (, a large percentage of which is based on original Palestinian documents captured by Israeli forces.

Ordinary People and Death Work:Palestinian Suicide Bombers as Victimizers and Victims

Applying criminological/victimological concepts and theories, the study addresses the social processes involved in Palestinians" suicide terrorism and describes Palestinians" pathways to suicide bombing. The data are derived from in-depth interviews of 7 male and female Palestinians serving prison sentences in Israel for attempted suicide bombing. The social background, context, and experiences of the interviewees, including their recruitment, interactions with the organizations that produce suicide bombing, the tangible and intangible incentives and rewards that motivated them to become suicide bombers, their preparation for the mission, and the strategies employed by the organizations to sustain recruits" resolve to conform to the plan are described and analyzed. The implications of the findings for theory and public policy are drawn and discussed