
I discovered whilst a CT police officer that in Birmingham, UK that there was considerable inter-denominational contact, both formally and informally between all the religious groups. At times of crisis, invariably when responding to national media reporting, they quietly supported each other and sometimes stood alongside each other - which would be locally reported.

In some religious places the contact was between the congregations too, notably a "high church" Anglican church and local mosques. No one seemed to object to the Anglican vicar clearly stating his support for the local Royal navy Reserve Centre, as part of his "flock".

I was surprised that the local mosques spoke regularly to the two synagogues, although one was better than the other. It probably helped that the city's only Jewish faith infant school was very popular with Muslim families, without any objection to the ethos and practices.

In another city when mosques were being attacked or under threat a Jewish community group offered security training courses.