Long time SWC Member "hailerpublishing" has excercised great restraint in not humping our legs every time someone mentions an old out of print book. As far as I can tell, it only happened once in this thread.

But Jamie has some good relevant stuff available. So let me put in this plug. Though for some of you it will be like waving scotch in front of an alcoholic, take a look at:

From the "about" page:
I founded Hailer Publishing to make sure that the great books of yesterday are available for today's readers at a reasonable price. Although, the emphasis will be on books about military history and strategy, I hope to expand my offerings to include unique books from a whole cross section of interests.

The genesis of Hailer Publishing was more than a decade ago when I was given a recommended reading list while in graduate school. Many of the books were long out of print and hard to find (this was before the ubiquity of the internet), and if I could find them they were too expensive for a struggling graduate student. The titles that have provided the continuing inspiration are A.J. Marder's five volume series: From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow. Considered by many to be the seminal work on the Royal Navy and its development up to, and subsequent activities in WWI (1904-1918 timeframe), it carried a hefty price tag of $1,200 used. Over a decade later (2004) I looked for the books on the internet, and they were still $1,200; Hailer Publishing was off and running.