some actual Americans.....when you have fought for the US in three of the last four wars and trained 44 BCT staffs many of them going to AFG the fourth war and when you have served the IC in multiple different places of this world in the name of the US and when you have been wounded defending the US...then my friend you can talk about who and or is not "American"
None of that changes the fact that JAN is a part of AQ. Sorry bro whatever life experience you claim to have doesn't transform AQ and their allies into a bunch of good guys. Serious you spend hours a day on the internet railing about how that coward Obama needs to save a bunch of terrorists from evil Putin.

When you support JAN as being a bunch of sometimes crazy kids, congratulations you are on the permanent fringe. Cutting past all the high minded rants about civilians; you think JAN are a bunch of swell guys that America needs to help out. and 9/11...blinds you...nothing but cut and paste but true knowledge of the world around you is distinctly missing......reflects you never have physically participated in the so called war on terror......and or in the two wars that never needed to be fought that cost you and me 5T USDs and over 7K KIAs and ten of thousands wounded.
A deflection for the fact that you support JAN and other Islamist terrorist groups.

Well I guess if Pakistan can have "good" and "bad" Taliban you can have "good" and "not as good" members of AQ.

When you can in detail explain to me in naturally more than one sentence what is a secular Muslim, what is a Salafist, and more importantly what is a Takfirist...and more importantly where do they touch each other and how do they cross over each other...BTW using theKoran and then what is their respective views on the Sunni form of government for each of them.
On my way to the office please just post your stock explanation with randomly capitalized and bolded words explaining why the MB are really a bunch of great guys.
I just heard Ted Cruz's first words on his Iowa caucus win: "To God goes the glory."
And when he crashes airplanes into buildings and slits the throats of people of different religions solely because of their faith then you might start to explain to me that he is a great guy.

Then taking that approach apply it to the current Syrian Sunni environment ...especially the JaN side of the house which yesterday was approached by the opposition and suggested they abandon AQ.
They joined AQ and have stayed in it. An organization which murdered thousands of Americans one morning. They are brigaded with other the Islamists. That is quite enough.

No conspiracy of Russian agents here, your cause is just rotten. There is no genocide, Putin kills more terrorists than civilians, nothing in the law says Putin can't keep killing non-ISIS terrorists, the American people don't like the Syrian rebels, and you my friend cannot try to appeal to some expert status to justify saying America needs to ride to the rescue of AQ.

Putin has thankfully saved us from the "experts" who have failed us for generations by putting dumping his own nation into this quagmire.