A very interesting video taken by a Russian TV-team:

It starts at Shayrat AB (former major base of SyAAF Su-7/Su-20 units, now 'Russians only' place), and is showing a row of abandoned Su-20, Su-7UM, at least three Su-7BMKs...

...then the helo passes over as-Safira (one of major Syrian defence-industry areas)...seems the helo landed at Nayrab AB (Aleppo IAP) to refuel, before turning back south...

...a literal 'pearl'-sequence of this video starts at about 00.45, where one can see a L-39ZO serial number 2062 in the process of having its tyres replaced... certainly 'shocking' for any decent Western observer is a pair of mechanicians doing that job in between a 'pile' of DYI FAB-100s... seems that five years of war only made them more reckless instead of teaching them anything about security standards... (no surprise any more, there are repeated reports about 'mysterious detonations' at various Assadist air bases, almost every month).

...at about 01.45 the Russian helo is landing at T.4 AB, with camera taking a look towards west.

...at about 01.05, another L-39ZO with serial number 2092 appears on the tarmac next to one of MiG-25s (all of which were withdrawn from service back in 2009).