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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post

    Most of your criticism directed towards Trump is disappointingly true, but what you failed to address is we had two deeply flawed candidates, and if you think white males were the only ones who voted for Trump, you are mistaken. Setting Clinton's corruption and nasty character to the side for a moment, she still represented a system that is failing millions of Americans. There is more to being a President than foreign policy, which frankly Clinton's record in that area isn't exactly flawless.

    As for fascism, I have no idea how Trump will walk back from his rhetoric of hatred that appealed to red neck America looking for someone to blame their problems on. However, accusing Trump of leading a fascist movement totally bypasses the fascism being implemented by our left for years in the form of political corectness. Independent thinking and free speech have been suppressed for years in our universities.

    Frankly I'm glad America didn't accept the status quo. Unfortunately we only had Trump instead of a person of better character to oppose the left. The Republican Party will have to reform, or we will need a new party to represent centrist views sooner rather than later. We're in a sad place now, but this is no time to quit America, it is time to get engaged.
    TC...but here is the problem...we are now in the 21st century and 54% of the entire voting/registered American electorate are in fact women who earn what percentage less than men these days and who under Trump are poised to lose even more of their basic rights.....that most of the women in Europe take for granted......

    Secondly there is no left in the US unless you count Sanders who is a Democratic are right there is a difference in internal and external US policies BUT being the 21st century both are actually intertwined to say the cannot throw tons of money into the market place trying to create jobs without overheating the bond market which is international and with it's lower to no interest rates US has virtually had no cost for the government to borrow even more money.....and thus driving a higher currency value.

    What passes for left is in fact liberalism based on US standards and what passes for a liberal in Europe...which might in fact be a moderate conservative in the US....

    You cannot expand trade unless the US currency remains stable..and inflation will inherently make the dollar sounder thus exports more expensive thus loss of US jobs if US products get to expensive for the global markets..we already see the dollar climbing against the Euro BUT that only makes the dollar based US exports even more expensive....

    EXAMPLE....a standard package of Oreo Red Velvet imported cookies is now 14 Euros...up from 11.50 of yesterday a 3.50 change in less than one week

    In a world where ethnic minorities are climbing number wise in the US and with a strong American black population the signal sent to the world that a black man could become President and or that a woman could become President is a strong signal that many in the US overlook today...the world would have viewed that as a strong signal concerning the internal civic health of the US...ANd what about the signal to US women and young girls that they can in fact climb the ladder and be just as successful at everything men do??

    Regardless of what one thinks ....the US is a superpower...and you cannot simply "retire" and pull back to the borders facing the Atlantic and the Pacific...when it suits internal politics..WE did that twice and got both WW1 and WW2....

    I know that the voting groups for Trump were across the board poor, middle income and yes even the wealthy voted for him BUt hear is my beef....

    IF you are mad at the system....change the local first as the local has always been the closest to you then change the state level and then finally DC...

    BUT does anyone seriously think you can change American top down??? I do not.

    BUT my compliant is that if you voted for Trump I truly believe those that did vote were listening to the "narrative he was speaking' and that narrative was taken seriously and not taken as "just some casual rhetoric"....AND if you voted for someone that had heavy baggage as Trump does with 75 pending court cases and his lawyers today trying to get his fraud and racketeering cast delayed until after he is in office....simply because then he does not have to testify and end of fraud case....THEN you have a serious thought problem...

    One cannot complain down the road when in the name of the voter Trump really goes off the rails and hits us in an authoritarian way and then his voters sit back and say..this is not what I voted for....

    Reference Clinton....I am so tried of the Clinton bashing as I have been voting in every Presidential election since 1964 and after just how many investigations and no much longer does one need to see that there was never anything there...a total ton of smoke but never a single fire...

    There is an old language learning tactic that says repeat the foreign word seven times and it will lock it into the brain...AND propaganda is no different...repeat the propaganda narrative seven times and it will stick in the upper brain area and hear it seven times more and you fully believe it to be true...even in the face of real evidence that it is fake...

    Russian propaganda works on the 6Ds principle...distort...demiss/deflect...dismay..distract. all designed to create doubt and distrust...

    NOW go back to the countless Trump statements made at his rallies and the very few interviews/debates and tell me just how many Ds were at work????

    Trump dislikes no actually hates the media..that is way he held no press conference for over 110 days as he is bad at it.....and why he had no press on his plane....

    WHAT he has truly failed to realize that makes the media even more aggressive and they were not in this election cycle...and now they will dig using FOIA....

    So we have a future President that has over 75 court cased filed against him...we can prove countless lies stated by him....we know his heartfelt opinion of women and minorities especially Muslims...we know from his various business court cases and his multiple number of bankruptcies that he is not the super businessman he claims to be and we know he had deep ties to Russian officials which both he and his campaign denied publicly twice in six months YET Russian officials fully admitted yesterday they were in fact ongoing and constant...AND we do not know just how he is servicing a 650M debt

    YET those that voted for him now argue "hey Clinton was worse"....come on TC ...think....seriously think it through....

    On top of that we still have four states that are not truly counted and declared for either party...there are growing questions in Wisconsin and a serious charge of election result changes via Russian malware as well as confirmed Russian hacking before the election and during the election...AND the general vote of Clinton is climbing pass 60M and rising....while Trump's remains caught and stable at around the low 59M or so

    AND Trump voters have no qualms about that?????
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 11-11-2016 at 01:27 PM.

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