Yes, Russia will expand its aggression toward everybody everywhere. They will continue to do so and increase the level until they are stopped, physically stopped-as in a crook isn't stopped until a cop collars him or the neighbors beat him up. Since Russia is a dictatorship, that means Putin himself has to be hurt. That means a lot of Russians have to die and a lot have to be impoverished through actions of the West and not so West. That will hurt him politically. And he had to be hit in his wallet. That is probably much more easily done than people think because I suspect most of his billions are not in Russia but in the West. What fool would keep most of his money in Russia? So his money could be got at.

Of course it will take a little bit of nerve on the part of the West to do that. Just a little. And that is the tragic part of this whole thing, it wouldn't take much but we can't even get up the little nerve it would take. This is like the scene in Of Mice and Men where Curly is punching Lenny in the face but Lenny doesn't reach down and break his hand, he just continues to take it.

David, there is one thing I haven't seen commented on given Russia's newly found appetite for mischief making. I haven't seen anybody comment on the possibility of them attempting to take advantage of separatist sentiment in Great Britain. Have you seen anything about that?