Quote Originally Posted by CrowBat View Post
Should this be an attempt to explain I'm denying the Holocaust (of Jews, Roma and few other ethnic and religious, as well as political groups, and by German Nazis and allies in 1930s and 1940s), our exchange is herewith over.
You forgot to include Polish and Soviet civilians and prisoners of war.

Often you will find that the same people claiming a "Holocaust" of women (witch trials), Arabs (by Europeans and later Israelis), and Native Americans (by Europeans, Americans and Canadians), seem to want to refute some or all aspects of the Shoah.

For instance, Russians have inflated the number of Soviet civilians and POWs who were mass murdered by the Germans, by including non-Soviet victims as well as those of Stalin's brutality, which continued unabated throughout the war. Russians have then taken the Soviet total and claimed it as a Russian total. Yet Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism abounds in Russia, and no effort is made to recognize the greater suffering of Belorussians, Ukrainians and Kazakhs, or Russia's own genocides against non-Russians.

There is a race among the groups of the living to make claims upon the dead - real and imagined - whilst denying other groups their own claims.

Do you truly think that I am accusing you of Holocaust denial? Or are you looking for an excuse to disengage?

What I am accusing you of is playing fast and loose with the history of mass murder, purely to deflect from a series of genocides perpetrated by the Turks in the 20th Century, which continue in the form of low-level war.