IMHO this is one of the worst data breaches in the last ten years of really bad data breaches YET it has not rated much comment in US MSM......

When coupled with data mining taken from social media on virtually all of these voters it is extremely easy to formulate and distribute targeted political media messaging much in the fashion of informational warfare which is the core of the Russian non linear warfare....

So it begs a serious question...if hacking of voter databases is considered to be "bad" as that would be seen as "direct meddling in an US election".....WHAT is then the effective use of targeted media directed against voters THAT could in fact get them to change their vote????

This data held by SCL when coupled with social media big data mining can in fact produce very accurate explicit psychographic scores THAT then can be converted into specific targeting of voters with messaging that "appeals" to their psychological voter profiles.

We are now seeing a modern Gobbels approach to impacting voting habits...

When one really takes the time to read the Russian doctrine on information clearly states the end goal is the changing of opinions, attitudes and thinking of an entire society just not individuals...

AND if we look at the latest CBS polling also posted here we are seeing a not so subtle shift by a group of voters which had previously been largely negative towards Russian NOW being accepting of Russia and its current actions....