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Thread: Why are there so few Islamists in West Africa?

  1. #1
    Council Member davidbfpo's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Why are there so few Islamists in West Africa?

    A brilliant exchange between two SME Shadi Hamid and Andrew Lebovich, on this question via Brookings. They cover Algeria, Mali and Senegal.

    From the introduction:
    ...exchanged a number of emails this past year that unexpectedly generated a substantive dialogue on Islam and politics, focusing on a region, West Africa, which rarely receives much attention. Shadi and Andrew also discuss how Islamists conceive of state power, the role of Sufism, whether secularists and Islamists need each other, and how understandings of Islam change as education increases.

    Some real surprises and quirks.

    This could fit in the broader thread Islam, Islamism, Conflict & Terrorism (a collection) on another day.

  2. #2
    Council Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
    A brilliant exchange between two SME Shadi Hamid and Andrew Lebovich, on this question via Brookings. They cover Algeria, Mali and Senegal.

    From the introduction:

    Some real surprises and quirks.

    This could fit in the broader thread Islam, Islamism, Conflict & Terrorism (a collection) on another day.
    This is a rather curious article with a dubious assertion.

    Firstly, there are raging Islamist insurgencies in Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger (4 of Western Africa's 16 states).

    Secondly, there was an Islamist leading Gambia until recently, and a sectarian flavor to the violence in Ivory Coast a few years back.

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