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Thread: Russian Info, Cyber and Disinformation (July 2017 to end '17)

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    I am getting tired of reposting this critical article done by one of the best Russian researchers....

    Crimintern: How the Kremlin uses Russia’s criminal networks in Europe

    By Mark Galeotti
    18th April, 2017
    AND the US Russian crime gang connections just keep on keeping on....

    Russia-born dealmaker linked to Trump assists FBI money laundering probe

    BTW in the last year FT has done some really good investigative journalism on this topic...sad is that a lot of it is behind a paywall....
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 07-09-2017 at 12:25 PM. Reason: brevity

  2. #2
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    Someone's phishing US nuke power stations. So far, no boom.....

    German Federal Security Services are taking this as a serious Russian APT28 warning to the West after their four attacks on the Baltics and Ukraine power grids....they see it as a not so subtle form of escalation....

    BTW...the recent again from Russia malware hacking attack against Ukraine focused on power plants, power grid, fuel (gas) stations, and water/natural gas supply infrastructure and anything that basically used a computer...

    Also from NYTs....

    Don't panic, but attackers are trying to phish their way into machines in various US power facilities, including nuclear power station operators.
    It seems so far whoever behind the campaign has tried phishing and watering-hole attacks, but haven't got beyond corporate networks (which in critical infrastructure should be on separate networks from the operational systems).
    The New York Times got wind of the intrusion attempts, getting a look at a joint Department of Homeland Security/FBI report.
    The money quote from the story appears to be this:
    There is no indication that hackers were able to jump from their victims’ computers into the control systems of the facilities, nor is it clear how many facilities were breached.
    Spokespeople for one of the targets, the Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (in charge of a facility near Burlington in Kansas) said it maintained separate networks for corporate and operations systems, so there was no risk to its power stations.
    BTW....what is not being talked about is that in two US nuclear sites the recent malware attack unleashed on Ukraine actually made it into the business computers of the two nuclear power companies....

    BUT here is the problem not talked about...the malware contained a LSADump hack tool designed to collect all passwords and domain controllers allowing for later successful hacks unless ALL passwords were immediately changed and ALL domain servers reconfigured....

    AND where is again that Trump promised US cyber defense plan he stated would be available in 90 days....nowhere to be seen ...we are now 160 days in and still nothing to be seen AND yet he is worried about alleged voter fraud that happens less than the number of Americans hit yearly by lighting........
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 07-07-2017 at 08:31 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Someone's phishing US nuke power stations. So far, no boom.....

    German Federal Security Services are taking this as a serious Russian APT28 warning to the West after their four attacks on the Baltics and Ukraine power grids....they see it as a not so subtle form of escalation....

    BTW...the recent again from Russia malware hacking attack against Ukraine focused on power plants, power grid, fuel (gas) stations, and water/natural gas supply infrastructure and anything that basically used a computer...

    Also from NYTs....

    BTW....what is not being talked about is that in two US nuclear sites the recent malware attack unleashed on Ukraine actually made it into the business computers of the two nuclear power companies....

    BUT here is the problem not talked about...the malware contained a LSADump hack tool designed to collect all passwords and domain controllers allowing for later successful hacks unless ALL passwords were immediately changed and ALL domain servers reconfigured....

    AND where is again that Trump promised US cyber defense plan he stated would be available in 90 days....nowhere to be seen ...we are now 160 days in and still nothing to be seen AND yet he is worried about alleged voter fraud that happens less than the number of Americans hit yearly by lighting........
    "We don't pay attention to such anonymous fakes,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

    Germans are saying Russian state sponsored APT28 or the GRU hacking division...left their digital fingerprints all over this....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 07-07-2017 at 08:44 AM.

  4. #4
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    US tech companies "actively didn't care/want to know" about Russian propaganda or disinformation until 2016 election meddling AND still do not really care as many simply forget they are driven by advertising income and the number of views are what drives them......even if those views are based on fake news, propaganda, disinformation.....via trolling and automated bot nets.....the more the "views" the more the advertising revenue....

    AND secondly, in the case of Twitter the largest single shareholder is a Saudi and the largest single investor is a Russian 1.3B USDs....

  5. #5
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    When one discusses Russian non linear warfare especially cyber and information warfare coupled with Russian black money is good to go back to the basics again with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and their military annexation of Crimea....

    It is all intertwined even with the Russian hacking and influence operations during the US 2016 election....

    War in Ukraine Was Years in the Making
    By Vera Zimmerman

    In a new comprehensive study, “The World Hybrid War: Ukrainian Forefront,” experts from Ukraine’s National Institute for Strategic Studies (NISS) examine the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the context of the global security crisis.

    In the monograph, they conceptualize hybrid war, trace its origins, look at the evolution of Russia’s revanchist ambitions, single out Ukraine’s vulnerabilities and its response, and advocate a new strategy. The authors aim to share Ukraine’s experience of hybrid war with Western readers and leave no doubt about the true nature of Russia’s goals.
    It is a long read (175 pages) but well worth it as it is a comprehensive analysis done by Ukraine itself...

    If the posting on the eight phases of Russia non linear warfare had not been deleted then one could see how this long study parallels the Russian non linear warfare doctrine including Russian cyber and information warfare..

    Chapter 1. RUSSIA’S GEOPOLITICAL MESSAGE OF DEFIANCE .................. 13 1.1. Confrontation with the West .................................................. .......... 13 1.2. Victims of Russian hybrid aggression ..............................................20 1.3. Strategic purposes of Russian hybrid aggression against Ukraine .....25
    Chapter 2. WAR ON HOMELAND FRONTLINES ............................................. 35 2.1. Instruments of political influence .................................................. .. 35 2.2. Media support of hybrid war .................................................. ..........40
    Chapter 3. SPECIAL AND DIPLOMATIC OPERATIONS .................................. 45 3.1. Russian secret services activities in Ukraine ..................................... 45 3.2. Diplomatic cover for hybrid aggression ............................................ 52
    Chapter 4. ECONOMIC DIMENSION OF HYBRID AGGRESSION .................59 4.1. Trade warfare as an instrument of economic pressure ......................59 4.2. ”Energy weapon” in the context of hybrid war .................................68
    Chapter 5. WORLD REACTION TO THE RUSSIAN HYBRID WARFARE AGAINST UKRAINE .................................................. ....................... 81 5.1. Role of international security organizations and forums ................... 81 5.2. Economic sanctions policy .................................................. ............88 5.3. Activation of radical and anti-Europe forces in support of Russia ... 100 5.4. Minsk process in the light of world politics .....................................104
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 07-07-2017 at 01:01 PM.

  6. #6
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    Russian non linear warfare especially on the hacking side has a nasty habit of including "fake documents to spread Doubt and Distrust" on individuals and or organizations hacked by Russian state sponsored groups and then released via Wikileaks....

    REMEMBER Russian propaganda works on a concept of the 6Ds....
    Distort....Distract.....Dismiss....Deflect ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust....

    They did this in the DNC hack, the Podesta hack, and the French President Marcon hack....and now WHY MSM...they are attempting to get US MSM to print articles using these fake Russian Trump NSA documents and then destroy their creditability.....who is doing this is currently being investigated.

    Maddow to news orgs: beware of forged Trump Russia documents!

    Rachel Maddow explains how an ostensible top secret NSA document submitted through the show's inbox is likely a fake, and points out the perils of such forgeries to news organizations trying to report out important stories like the Trump Russia story.
    Duration: 21:06
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 07-07-2017 at 01:54 PM.

  7. #7
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    Immediate Russian propaganda being put to work out of the Putin Trump meeting...and the US response to this is what again????

    They do not even know it exists as they pay no attention to Russian media sources....AND there is no Russian info war ongoing against the US??

    Kremlin pool reporter posted this image of Trump handing Crimea to Putin.
    Attached Images Attached Images

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