Azor...notice that American Greatness seems to have deliberately not commented on this....if in fact FAKE news.....

For those that took the time to read thoroughly through and between the lines of the Washington Post article on the Obama response to the Russian hacking and the Russian hacking itself you will notice a referral to the fact that Putin was on tape ordering the hacking and a subtle reference to someone else being on tape....

APPEARS to be that Wapo has one tape and this journalist has heard and been privy to a second tape BOTH confirm and expand on each other...

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money Laundering

Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.
These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.
Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.
Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape #one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:
On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.
A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.
My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.