What group represents the present day attackers in Saudi Arabia who desire the overthrow of the current Monarchy because of their corruptions by the west? If I had to choose one i would say Wahhabism based on the founding principles of Wahab Wahhab preached rejection of the west, their science and technology, and a return to the Islam of Muhammad’s time. His basic tenets included emphasis on the unity of Allah; opposition to Sufism and any other form of bida (innovation); opposition to gravestones and honoring the dead; advocated the use of Religious Police, Mutawwa, to enforce morality in public places; he used a strict, conservative interpretation of Islamic Dogma; emphasized the “protected” status of women; and emphasized the Hudud. These are the most severe crimes, such as murder, which is punished by beheading; theft calls for amputation of the right hand; Blasphemy is punished by stoning; and for drunkenness a severe whipping.
He advocated a return of the domination of Islam to the Sunnis and more specifically the Arabs. He believed that Islam would dominate the world and called for establishment of the “pure” Islamic State. This state would consist of all lands that had ever been dominated by Muslims and by pure he meant only Wahhabis would be permitted to live there, all others would be purged. Reinstitution of the Caliphate under Wahhabi Arabs; and the rest of the world would have to be submissive to Shari’a law. He was the first Global Jihadist.

Am I about 20 years to late? Another reason for this is because Wahhabis are eccentric (Members Only) they only include those from Saudi Arabia outsiders (Muslims included) are looked down upon. I believe they are attempting to influence Wahhabism in other locations but this could be seen as maybe a rift with other Muslim Fundamentalists.

The Salafists seem to have a Global perspective and are willing to include Muslim Converts into their clique.

I am signing off for now but look forward to round 2. Have a good evening.