Via the UK blog Defnce in Depth Professor Anthony King, now @ Warwick University, has a short article which starts with:Later he argues that "heroic leadership" is dead and what is needed now is:Military command is currently a focus of deep public scrutiny; it might even be said to be in crisis. Following the disappointments and difficulties of the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, public concerns about the failures of military command have been frequent and strident. These interventions have been significant. However, many critics have often failed to appreciate a perhaps more important fact. In the early twenty-first century, generals have confronted distinctively challenging operational and organizational conditions. Warfare and the armed forces themselves have evolved drastically. Generals are no longer fighting the mass wars of the twentieth century; they command smaller, professional, increasingly integrated, networked and globalized forces.Link: generalship has always necessarily involved a co-operative element, in the 21stcentury, military command has become collective to a degree which has rarely, if ever, been seen before; decision-making has now become a truly ensemble, collaborative practice.
From my armchair his description fits some armed forces, do they fit say the Nigerien or Indian military? Could other nations even afford all the "gizmos", let alone have access to the data links needed for ISTAR? Are today's opponents doing the same?
Anyway I offer the article for you to consider.