A Covert Action: Reagan, the CIA, and the Cold War struggle in Poland


An excellent book.

It even includes an interesting angle on leveraging COTS technology.

And right in the wheelhouse of Small Wars Journal when it comes to a discussion around crystal clear ideological war supporting existing indigenous popular movements.

This book is probably worthy of a much more detailed review and discussion.

Especially in light of a few SWJ forum members sharing their relevant thoughts in recent years about their concerns around political warfare, UW, and ideology today compared to during the Cold War.

And how the role the US had against the Communist Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact during the Cold War, now appears somewhat reversed in the GWOT against militant Islam.

On a somewhat related note for those who are interested....

The Covert Action book is a strategic/macro big picture complement to a tactical/micro level “fact based novel” I found a while back called Jinnick:


The book and associated photos from the author share the story of ratlines using RVs/campervans for non kinetic support of Eastern European underground movements in the 1980’s.

It’s a solid novel with some quite interesting photos that lend considerable credibility to the author’s direct involvement with those ratlines.

Both books go well together, akin to co-authors Stan McChrystal’s Team of Teams(macro/strategic) and Chris Fussell’s One Mission(micro/tactical).