Just by coincidence, well let's say coincidence, immediately following my previous post, I read this passage in Carl Sagan's, The Demon Haunted World:

We know from early work of the Canadian neurophysiologist Wilder Penfield that electrical stimulation of certain regions of the brain elicits full-blown hallucinations. People with temporal lobe epilepsy—involving a cascade of naturally generated electrical impulses in the part of the brain beneath the forehead —experience a range of hallucinations almost indistinguishable from reality: including the presence of one or more strange beings, anxiety, floating through the air, sexual experiences, and a sense of missing time. There is also what feels like profound insight into the deepest questions and a need to spread the word. A continuum of spontaneous temporal lobe stimulation seems to stretch from people with serious epilepsy to the most average among us. (p.115)
Not saying there's any connection, but it seems prudent to spuriously link unrelated information for some sort of effect these days.

The Demon Haunted World - Amazon