Jimbo, Sully,

Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
I actually read this as more of a getting people off of the internet during the duty day.
Quote Originally Posted by sullygoarmy View Post
In Germany, there were a ton of websites restricted during the duty day, everything from sports, to personal e-mail to the usual blocked sites. You could access these semi-blocked sites after the duty day or during lunch, but not during duty hours. Of course in Iraq/Afghanistan, its always a duty day so I'm not sure how that approach would work there.
Surely there are better means of achieving the goal of people not going to non-duty related web sites? Wouldn't it be better to just treat people like adults, rather than naughty children, and just hold them responsible for what they do rather than telling them what they may do and having everything else cleared by others? This theme of infantalization of military personnel has come up before, and I suspect it is applicable here as well.
