Entropy: The boys can go a little overboard...

Bob's World: Was never a drummer, no sense of rhythm a-tall. And that was J3, not S3...

SdhmedlapWrong. I was there shortly afterward. Everyone in DoD did well, the Navy Airedales from Corpus and Pensacola, the Air Farce from Hurlburt and Eglin and the Coast Guard all did well. Coasties did great, in fact. The Navy moved the USS Bataan up the river on the tail of the hurricane. The Guard did do a good job but most of the government aside from FEMA did well also -- and much Federal Aid was delayed due to Governor Blanco initially wanting to do it with no Federal assistance (just as had FL governor Chiles during Hurricane Andrew. Politics can screw up anything...).

Interesting thing about the Guard was that there were more Guardsmen from other States than from LA -- due to the LA Bde being in Iraq and in process of returning when the storm hit, IIRC