I'm very interested in getting a BA from this University, but I have 2 questions. I ask for raw and brutal honesty in your answers and opinions.

1) Do their UG degree programs have a good reputation among the intelligence community and the military? I'm looking at one of these three fields of study: Intelligence (IO), Int. Affairs, or Middle Eastern Studies

(now here's where I request brutal honesty )
2) By the time I get my degree, I will be 53 or 54 years old. Is my age going to be a hindrance for seeking employment in the Intelligence community? Since I have absolutely zero experience, I will be starting with an entry level position.
Am I thinking realistically when I believe they won't be all that comcerned with age if I have a BA in one of the three area of studies I mentioned AND have the ability to speak/read/write, at an intermediate level, Arabic or another needed language?

Thanks, Ken