If you want a cultural breach, show me some GIs in a mosque, show some foot washing and barefooted GIs sitting in the back of a masjid and show them sitting barefoot with some Iraqis in that environment - that's about the only IO that can't be easily counter-tuned by the opposition. Show me a school being built and I'll slap an arabic title on some Stills to the affect of 'infidels tear down school in search of weapons' and splatter it all over the Islamic world in a matter of minutes. Show me interaction clips and I'll counter-tune it with still subtitles of sexual propositioning. You can reach and touch Muslims via real cultural breaching but not Mom and Pop on the homefront and that's the kicker here. There's no cake with frosting this time around. I'm not saying stop grinding away with IO energy but the bottom line is for every unit of COIN energy directed at the home front or the world at large is energy taken away from the street and village, the only place where COIN really matters and counts.