Would Retired General Barry McCaffrey be one of those so-called generals that lost touch with his troops, which Yingling referred? Or just a shameful opportunist like Mr. Ricks? I will have no truck with any one of these Three Stooges (Ricks, Di Rita, and McCaffrey). I wish we would get out of the business of stroking the feathers of chickens that made their own fair share of mistakes by escaping consequences (subterfuge) with sensationalism now that they can wear a cheap suit on cable television or write an opinionated book that will be obsolete in a few more years. And you can quote me on that, Mister Ricks. Everybody wants to feel important. No different than a gangbanger with a cell phone. BTW, not everyone can publish a three page article in the Washington Post by copy and paste email messages. Only a professional pundit can do that. Talk about a fiasco?