Carl's post:
I am always completely pessimistic about Pakistan having any chance at all given the Pak Army and the feudal elites. But after reading some of your comments I should be thinking more often that Pakistan is filled with people like that ambulance driver and policeman in Karachi that were profiled in the TV special I forgot the name of.
My initial post April 2011

Peter Oborne, one of the UK's best reporters IMHO, has been in Karachi, Pakistan's commercial capital and a huge city beset with problems:

In the last 60 years the population of Karachi has risen from 300,000 to nearly 20 million. The pressure for homes, water and food - compounded by high levels of unemployment - has lead to furious conflict between the rival ethnic groups, with around 1300 people killed in gangland violence last year.
His report is based on following an ambulance driver, employed by a charity and a shorter period with a police inspector, who states: least 100 of his officers have been killed in the past year.
The title of the thread comes from his closing comment - worth fast forwarding to, if twenty five minutes cannot be spared.

The film clip on:

The written summary is on:

The links do work in the USA and a SWC viewer responded:
They should stop making cop shows about Americans and make cops shows about Karachi cops. That was something.