Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
If I look out my window I see a moderately remote mountain village populated by an indigenous tribe, which was a hotbed of insurgency not al that long ago. I've been here 11 of the last 15 years, and I'm still figuring out the local power/conflict dynamics.

I asked this before, but I have to ask again: what are we trying to accomplish with this project? Whether it's Afghanistan, Haiti, central Africa, Colombia... what's the goal?

It helps to know.

Your points regarding the need to appreciate the complexities of village/area dynamics are wise ones.

With respect to the goal of the project, I have suggested a concept here, however, perhaps part of why it has been resonating is that the project is an attempt at articulating something that all of us here at SWC have been working on across many threads...a journey which involves gaining a better understanding of our environment, how to shape it, and how to do so for the betterment of all...just one man's thoughts...what do you see?

From the 22 Jan 2010 BBC Haiti port opening raises hopes

An estimated 1.5 million people were left homeless by the 7.0-magnitude quake, which some have estimated has killed as many as 200,000 people.
At least 500,000 people are currently living outdoors in 447 improvised camps in Port-au-Prince, according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).
"Tents will not work in May when the long rainy season begins and later when hurricane season starts, but at this point there is not much choice," said IOM Chief of Mission Vincent Houver.