I grew up in the vicinity of Fort Hunt and am a 1970 graduate of the old Fort Hunt High School. The old fort was then a park administered by the National Park Service, as it is now. The post was named for Gen. Henry J. Hunt, one of the chiefs of artillery in the Army of the Potomac. When I was there in the 1960s nothing remained of the World War II installation except for the roads and sidewalks. Concrete gun emplacements from its coast artillery days were still there, still bearing faint NO SMOKING signs painted in red. There was also a two- or three-story masonry observation tower that I believe was part of the original coast artillery fort. In around 1980 there was a minor Army scandal when the son of a general officer was involved in a vandalism and fire-setting incident at my old high school, which was closed about 20 years ago because there were no longer enough teenagers in the area to justify its remaining open. To read more about Fort Hunt Park click here.