Quote Originally Posted by kehenry1 View Post
Can you imagine the furor had we summarily executed Khalid Sheihk Mohammed? Even after his participation in 9/11 and various other terrorist acts killing hundreds and thousands? Do we now or in the future ever designate someone outside of these boundaries and protections?
In a word... No.

KSM was a combatant and Operations Officer at AQ Central. Executing him as an unlawful combatant, criminal or brigand on the battlefield would have been acceptable in the Geneva Convention ... unless I am mistaken they can be shot or hung. However once captured the rules apply. We could have interrogated him, tried him and executed him in less than a year but we decided we knew so little about AQ that we had to throw away any semblance of honor and resort to torture.

I reread the book yesterday and before I fly out the the sandbox today i will get a more detailed reponse up.