Hi Tacitus,

Quote Originally Posted by Tacitus View Post
Religion is a fascinating subject. For example, Rastafarians accept that Haile Selassie I, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, was God incarnate. To a non-Rasta that just sounds bizarre. More broadly, any religion not your own seems a fraud perpretrated on a gullible public. People ask, "How can they not see through that sort of nonsense?" The idea that your own religion seems just as crazy to a man with different one does not seem to occur in the minds of men.
One of the interesting things, for me at any rate, has been how religious systems can be used to condition perceptions of reality. From my own studies, it is readily apparent that almost any religious system can be used to either reinforce or destabilize any other social system. There are, however, some interesting clues that can be picked up as to the particular aims - i.e. is the system focused on making the individual or the group more or less stable? is the system aimed at limiting or expanding personal growth? is the system in "balance" with lived reality (i,e, does it provide an explanatory model that actually works for the believer)? This is, however, getting into another area...
