The number one obstacle that we have in the media war is that we only think in terms of how government can wage an IO campaign. And that is a completely outdated way of thinking.

The insurgent propaganda network does not have a headquarters, bureaucracy, or brick-and-mortar infrastructure. It is decentralized, fast-moving, and technologically adaptive.
The solution to our problem will not come from government. As we all know, modern communications technology has lowered the barriers to entry enabling ordinary citizens to produce a huge variety of media products. The insurgents get this and are using this new technology to wage a very sophisticated media campaign. We don't get this and so we are not waging a sophisticated media campaign. All of us here on this thread could create a non-profit organization tomorrow and start pumping out "daily press releases, weekly and monthly magazines, books, video clips, full-length films," etc. No doubt there will be someone who says "It'll never work." But the insurgents are proving every day that it can work.

It's been nearly 6 years since 9/11 and the State Department has just now released its new PD plan. There is a lesson in this. Government certainly doesn't have "the fortitude on an institutional level to get it done the way it should be done." The only way it is going to get done the way it should be done is to do it ourselves, outside of government.