The only logical extension from the evolution of shock 'n awe to the armed peace corps/nation builders is a series of outposts that can react to AQ types and the more vicious insurgent groups when they can be tagged, like festering boils to be popped with surgical air strikes from time to time, while the sepsis of the organism itself goes untreated, unchecked. Even with the will of the American people in support of the long haul, continue on as we are for 10 more years, economic projections will not sustain it. Ultimately we must define the edge our foes will gain by our withdrawal and the creation of new Ft. Apaches. Regarding the focus of this thread, in as much as John Q Citizen never felt threatened by Iraq, so too will there be no remorse for the suffering the Iraqi people will endure for at least another entire generation. We know darn well our politicians on either side of the issue will shed nary a tear for the Iraqis and that leaves the warriors who not only have to shed a tear for their fallen comrades but now for the innocents they will no longer be allowed to protect. It's a hell of a deal but it leaves AQ types with naught but Shias, Sunnis and Kurds at each other's throats and only the opportunity to create pockets of shariah existence and the few odd training camps. For a fraction of the cost of current operations, Jordan and Egypt can be bolstered on the left flank and the status quo maintained on the Afghan right flank with the help of NATO. The AQ types are not going to be generating much income from Iraq, we know that and if anything, it will become a drain on their resources as well. We have to ask too how much cash Iran really has to pump into Iraq to make it a quasi fiefdom that can be readily proctored. The ongoing IO generated form Iraq will take a huge hit as well once the hated infidels are gone in force. I wonder if we overestimate the PR value our withdrawal will have for them. They will get an immediate spike, but then what? Sunni killing Shia in the absence of the Americans doesn't say much for the AQ type mentality and their visions of the good life. I had thought Pretraeus could turn things around much quicker but I am starting to wonder if he was ever given a full deck of cards to play poker with. I guess that's another subject for another time and thread.