A lot of my earlier posts have been on this subject and one of the most important is switching our analysis frameworks. Ends,Ways and Means needs to change to the LE framework of Motive,Methods and Opportunity. Especially the motive. I wrote some time back that when you understand the motive you may have to face the fact that you cannot change it. Which is why trying force western style democracy on a Muslim country is the worst thing you could do. The dedicated hard core are like serial killers and there are basically two options for them, death or life imprisonment, you are not going to change these people.

The larger population is an opportunity that we have never exploited by finding common ground in both our legal systems. The payment of Blood money is close in concept to what we call wrongfull death, which is settled by money not blood shed.

Containment is close to what was used in LE some years ago. It was related to the concept of zoning laws that we have today. It can be very effect but it is manpower intensive, not technology oriented.