First post updated to reflect the latest. We have confirmed that our web host is, from time to annoying time, falsely identifying legitimate users as evil denial-of-service riff-raff and blocking them. Here's an explanation of what it looks like on your end, and what we need from you to fix it.
(last updated 10/30/07 by SWCAdmin)
If you are getting a regular, dependable "can not access this site" or other time-out sort of message (100% of the time from a certain machine) AND not having any problems reaching the rest of the e-world, then your IP address is probably being blocked by our web host. This may or may not occur for others on your immediate network (depending on how the network is set up). But it occurs all the time from your machine.

For us to solve it, please send the following two bits of info by e-mail to (Do not post here)

1) The WAN IP address. You will find the IP here:

2) Run a Trace Route and send me the results.

a) Windows -- go to: Start > Run. At the prompt, enter: cmd, then hit enter (OK). At the DOS prompt in the window that opens, enter tracert Let it run until it finishes. Send us the results. One way to get it out of that little window is to right click, "Select All," and then hit Enter. Then go over into the e-mail and paste (Ctrl+V).
-- FYI, Enter works like Copy in that DOS window, normal copy (Ctrl+C) doesn't work. C'est la e-vie.

b) Mac -- similar, but the command is traceroute

-- Pardon the obvious, but you need to get this info from the machine that is having the problems. Not from your other machine that's working fine. You can send the e-mail from anywhere.
-- This is driving us nuts. And no doubt many of you, too. Anyone who is a computer guru and can help us solve the problem instead of treating the symptoms, please advise.
-- If you are having other access problems beyond the occasional e-hiccup, please let us know. But if it isn't as described above, it will be a different issue. Send us this info as a start, but please describe what is going on.