let's hear it for the Vandoos!!!! I am waiting to see if any of them take the "company R&R actions" that they did in WW II
The Vandoos will do great! I have no doubt in my head that they will do their duty and make our country proud.

The allowance given to understanding the enemy is conditioned with the denial of the right to hate the enemy. There is no celebration over the demise of our foes yet they measure the sale of beheading and torture videos by the tonnage. Maybe it really boils down to monotheism V polytheism and while we placate the Gods of Law and Economics and Perception and Politics and Policy and Opinion Polls and Political correctness, they slip quietly away unscathed across borders and into population dense no-kill zones.
I think we can still hate the enemy.
We just cant hate the entire population anymore.
The feelings America had for say the Japanese will never be repeated.

for the life of me I can't understand how we as westerners are losing this fight. If there is one thing we love and that is our media outlets, especially television. I think it is shameful that our government does such a poor job a garnering its citizens' support for these wars. I understand not being able to reach an audience in Pakistan or Afghanistan, but for the life of me I can't understand how we fail here at home!?!?
I agree we have the moral highground.
I am just not sure what else we could be doing.
I think the problem is not only with our governments poor explanations but also with the structure and nature of the media.
The media is so diverse these days (google news anyone), they always want a story, and people have access to so much different media.
Hard to have unity anymore.