28 July LA Times - Iraq Salutes its Asian Cup Soccer Finalist by Alexandra Zarvis.

They're stocking up on fuel for their generators, snapping up flags and team T-shirts, and decorating their cars with flowers.

Soccer fever has reached new heights in Iraq ahead of the national squad's first-ever Asian Cup final.

In a few short weeks, the 15 young players have achieved what Iraq's political and religious leaders have struggled to accomplish in four years of war: uniting their country and restoring a sense of national pride.

"We wish these players sat in the chairs of those politicians," said Ali Mohsin, a Baghdad civil servant. "They did a marvel for us ... making us happy together."

Each improbable Iraq soccer victory has been met with an outpouring of joy, a rare feeling in this bloodied country. Thousands poured into the streets Wednesday when Iraq's team edged South Korea to clinch a coveted spot in Sunday's final against Saudi Arabia...