Cavguy says "Later, we would often not engage and track the emplacers to their hide-out, which then was raided or turned into another NAI which was targeted to ferret out the network." Taking down a whole network seems the ultimate anti IED strategy. I noticed a lot about air assets in the previous posts. I guess that is because of the article by the air force guy. Also someone mentions snipers. I don't know what is available in the military inventory, but there has to be some ways to set up small, cheap concealed fixed cameras, pressure sensors, other sensors, that might work in tandem with air assets. I seem to remember something about a grid of fiber optic lines being used as pressure sensors in the Fulda gap. Something like that might also be considered for controlling border crossing areas. Obviously not every solution is applicable to every situation, but like battling fire ants in Texas you have to kill the queen/hive (bomber/network) not the other ants (IED's).