Hi Steve,

Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
It almost begs for something along the lines of the "terrorists" in Monty Python's "Life of Brian." Who can forget the "Judean Peoples' Front" and their "crack suicide squad"?

Seriously, I can see some really funny ways that we could get after these people. Sadly, due to those high cards in "victim poker" I have to say that the mainstream media leadership lacks the testicular fortitude to do it.
Yeah. Then again, I don't think that the MSM is the best way to get this type of message out. I'd recommend a multi-front attack: stage shows, movies, cable, anime, youtube, graphic novels, CD games, etc. Since we agree on the Montey Python-esque quality required, maybe the entire civ-mil project should be handed over to the (soon to be created) Her Majesties Royal Comic Corps.