I agree with you, those criteria will probably be used, my question is should they?

Someday promotion rates for all ranks will fall below 90% (any takers on when?), and promotion boards will be more than rubber stamps for no DUI (aka CPT board). I'm not denying that the list I stated will probably be the standard for most, but the question is whether it should? When boards look at files, should they do cuts by command or not? Lots of great people can't get a command, so they shouldn't be promoted? Again, a guy with a year commanding AIT deserves promotion more than a guy who did BN S2, BDE AS2, S2X, and maybe even BDE S2? What about a logistics officer that didn't command a FSC, but was S3, S4, and maybe even a SPO? The boards will promote based on their experience, which is largely, I commanded, so he/she should have. The one officer from your branch may not be able to explain what an officer in that branch actually needs to be successful. Their default will be what they did and know. The Army promoted people who checked the right blocks for decades, and it didn't set us up too well for OIF or OEF, at least after "end of combat." Maybe the boards should be looking at performance, rather than just jobs filled. Can a staff captain outperform his peers who are in command? Yes, but he probably will get ranked lower bc "command matters more." If boards were able to spend more than a couple minutes per person, they could move past "what looks right."

No idea how you would redo promotions, maybe more decentralized like junior NCOs, with senior, LTC and above, at HRC. How do you change HRC? I know there are plenty of people on this board who would suggest dynamite, but that's honestly above my level and experience.

Quick aside on promotions and retention... Current high levels are keeping in people who would not have been promoted, and are discouraging people that work hard but are promoted equally. My good friend got tired of working hard in the S3 shop with no satisfaction or gain, knowing he would be promoted and paid the same as every other person, no matter how hard he worked. He got out and got an awesome job, moved in with his girlfriend in DC, and is living the dream. The Army needs to keep people like him in mind.

Quote Originally Posted by Courtney Massengale View Post
Just to play devil's advocate, one of these days promotion rates will return to their historical norms. When we're back down around 70% to Major, how do you think boards will evaluate individuals?

With the exact list you typed out.

Blocking & Senior Rater Profiles will return (in some way, shape or form). Then those things you listed are going to have a significant impact on an Officer's file via the assignments they've held.