Where do we get these troops, you might ask? Easy.

We stop the stupid and wasteful MEUs, which are nothing but a chance for a Battalion of Marine infantry to get drunk in yet another port city every week, and we send that Battalion to Kandahar along with some support, maybe a Marine Air-Ground Task force and support along with some Army intel. Presto! A RCT (or almost so)! And for probably less money that it would have taken to send them on a MEU.

I make absolutely NO apologies for insulting the practice of MEUs or the highly wasteful practice of sitting a Battalion of Marine infantry aboard an Amphibious Assault Dock for nine months. If we ever actually have a national policy where we intend to use "ready reserve" or "forces in readiness," then we can revisit this. For the time being, it's just a waste.

This practice must stop in order to properly man the campaigns.