How will these company cells be tied into the rest of the intel agencies?
Good question, but they are tied into battalion S-2 as the highest point in the hierarchy. The don't submit RFIs directly to higher HQs.

It's a dangrous game to be playing at this level. Have seen the effects of conventional units playing this game, good people end up dead.
Definitely has that potential, which is why it needs buy-in and a careful eye from the commander (battalion) to ensure things aren't getting loosey goosey.

See we can do this, we don't need them, give us more funding, the list goes on and on.
At least in the Marine Corps context, it's not so much that we don't need them, but rather that we don't have them (a sizeable S-2) or can't tap into them directly due to distance constraints b/n a Bn CP and the company COPs.

Personally have yet to see an example of where this was needed? There are more intel assets in that country than anyone could imagine. Sounds like there is not good cross communication between them. Everyone keeps talking about situational awareness, well that includes knowing what assets you have available. Think passage of friendly lines coordination. There are a lot of basic tasks we do not do, simple because we think they are not cool. Get back to basics know who is operating in you AOR both FRIENDLY and enemy.
You are absolutely right on all accounts, but a battalion isn't going to be able to influence better coordination and/or accountability at those higher levels, so it reverts to what it can do and changes those things it can change (sound like an AA meeting?)